Buildings at Risk Register

Buildings at Risk Registers exist in several areas of the United Kingdom. The term refers to buildings or structures which are at risk due to neglect or decay.



In England, the government organisation English Heritage maintains an "At Risk Register" of Grade I and Grade II* listed buildings. Scheduled ancient monuments at risk are also included on the register along with Grade II listed buildings in London. English Heritage published its first national Buildings at Risk register in 1998. The English 2004 edition includes 1,300 entries. The 2007 register included 1,235 buildings and structures; of these the 16 in most serious danger have an estimated repair bill of £127.9m.[1]

Heritage at Risk

In July 2008 English Heritage replaced the "Buildings at Risk Register" with the new Heritage at Risk Register. In addition to historic buildings at risk, the Heritage at Risk Register includes England’s most important archaeological sites, its registered historic parks and gardens, its registered battlefields, and the protected wreck sites that lie off the coastline.[2]


A similar Register is compiled and maintained by the Scottish Civic Trust. There are around 1000 buildings at risk currently on the register.


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